Why Medicine Can’t Cure Disease*
(And Why a Medicine That Can Is Within Our Grasp)
Charlotte Appleton, MD, MBA
Albert Einstein famously quipped, “If I had one hour to save the world, I would spend 55 minutes defining the problem, and only five minutes finding the solution.”
This book is about the first 55 minutes.
(*Title subject to change)
We should be able to treat heart disease and cancer as easily as we treat the common cold. However, because we do not understand the nature of disease, that assertion is an impossible fantasy. The only solution is to change the paradigm such that the fantasy becomes a reality.
Why Medicine Can’t Cure Disease is an intellectual journey of discovering why real healing is currently unattainable, and why humanity clings to beliefs that make an accurate understanding of disease impossible. By understanding the real problems underlying health delivery systems, we can discover a future where today’s fantasy is tomorrow’s reality.
Using a blend of creativity, logic and experience, including patient care, healthcare administration, research and complementary medicine, we uncover what is real in the profound confusion about disease today. This book identifies holes in healthcare, biology, scientific principles, healing philosophies and values systems that unmask the fallacies of today’s mountain of mind-boggling data and expert opinions. This brings to light the wide-spread misunderstandings of what life is and how integrating consciousness reshapes the current perspective on the nature of both.
A broad spectrum of medical personnel, healers and researchers recognize the urgent need for change to curb and reverse the rising tide of disease and out-of-control costs of healthcare worldwide. They just don’t know where to begin or how to contribute.
This book offers solutions for both.
It’s time to end the Dark Age of Medicine before it ends us.